Step Out- Walk in your purpose! (No Comfort Zone)
Step out your comfort zone and walk in your purpose.
Being content in your current situation can either help you or hinder you. When God has placed you somewhere and it’s not where YOU expected to be, remain content. We can’t move in our own time, but in God’s time. However, if God keeps knocking at your door, on your heart, and making things uncomfortable for you, then it’s time to move. Get up and act!
Stop sitting around expecting change when you haven’t put forth any effort! Yes, we are all expecting miracles, and they happen every day, but faith without works is dead! How are you pleasing God? He gives all of us specific abilities and yet some of us let them go to waste! Are you using your gifts and talents? Are you passionate about what you are doing every day? We are too afraid to step out of our bubble and reach for our goals and our dreams! Each new day should be fulfilling your purpose.
Don’t sit around being jealous of your friend, sister, brother or coworker striving to make their visions a reality. Stop the pity party, and stop saying you can’t, because you surely can!
Make that vision board, write that business plan, create that presentation and then step out on faith!!
Walk in your purpose!